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Maxwell GeoSystems Community Outreach...

Maxwell GeoSystems Community Outreach...

Maxwell GeoSystems believe that corporations have a social responsibility beyond just earning profits. Last year members our MGS team in India took the initiative in creating awareness within the organisation of social and environmental concerns in the wider community by establishing a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme. The first step took the form of introducing a contributions box in the office, wherein each member of the MGS family could make voluntary financial donations. By the end of last year, sufficient funds had been gathered so the team elected to put monies towards medical and educational requirements of the local needy. This included providing desperately needed support for the bone marrow treatment & medical care of a young infant boy. Spurred on by their initial success, the team's wholehearted efforts have gone on to raise funds to further their cause, and this time chosen to provide pre-academic support for a dozen children from extremely humble backgrounds¦ It was wonderful to see the expressions on the children's faces when the team walked in with school bags, packed with stationery, umbrellas and lots of love said Saneesh Baby, Project Manager MGS India, who spearheaded this noble cause. The initiative has the enthusiastic support of MGS Management who are fully behind the programme and have since honoured to match the donation contributions and, if possible, extend the reach to a further twelve children in need. Environmental concerns are also next on the team's list, aiming towards a cleaner and greener city

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Date: 27/07/2018

